

Archive for 5月 2006


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Written by emlary

5月 31, 2006 at 7:15 上午

发表在 flickr


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首先说说赛我网,整个界面都是一种非常可爱的风格,也许想做东方的myspace吧:),不过对于我这种成年人就少了点吸引力。后来我又注册了和讯网——号称中产阶级的门户,虽然我还不是什么中产阶级,不过我还是很惊讶和讯的实力,如果说功能上有点类似msn spaces的话,不过种类似也是很有技术实力的。在任意一个和讯网个人门户中,主要分为如下的几个部分:
留言:不要小看这个功能,其实在msn spaces上很流行的
好友:这个功能在my opera中也有

Written by emlary

5月 25, 2006 at 5:19 下午


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昨天尝试的两个blog,其中blogr速度太慢,传个图片还要半天,更别说什么视频了,所以只能够pass掉,至于那个 bloggoing,由于是一个比较成熟的wordexpress系统,对于我来说还是比较有亲和力的,而且可以顺道通过 flickr发点好看的图片,就当是一个图片索引库吧:)

Written by emlary

5月 24, 2006 at 11:24 上午


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刚刚又尝试了两个BSP,分别是blogrbloggoing,前者支持通过email发布,并且可以更加方便的发布图片和视频,而后者是一个word express平台的,它的模版要比my donews多多了,虽然我比较喜欢简洁,但是现在使用的模版我觉得比较满意,特别是标题上的黄色。以后我会尝试使用 gmail来发布blog,这样做的好处是可以使用gmai方便的即时保存功能,缺点就是必须要bsp支持才行,现在支持通过email发布的bsp有msn spaces blogger,什么时候word express也支持通过email发布就好了,又或者是我孤陋寡闻不知道它有这方面的插件。
现在想想真的有点象自己几年前刚刚使用oicq的时候一样,一下子申请了n个号码,使用了n种软件,不过到了今天即使是qq都懒得动了,更别提什么icq,msn messenger了。

Written by emlary

5月 23, 2006 at 2:55 下午

在my opera上试开我的新blog

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最近msn spaces无法登陆,这已经不是访问缓慢的问题,而是根本就没有办法更新。我对于现在的blog服务真的有点失望,my donews的word press系统虽然是开放的,但是开放也往往容易被坏人利用,其表现为无处不在的垃圾留言;google的blogger虽然好,但是被封锁的后果就是只能通过免费的主页空间来更新,而这些空间自身都难保,更不用说自己blog的稳定访问了。

听说opera的网站提供免费300m的空间来让人使用,我就尝试了一下,由于是欧洲的网站,访问速度也比msn spaces快不了多少,偶尔还会出现无法访问的现象,不过它提供的内容服务还是很丰富的,比如那个在首页出现的TAGS就很有意思,虽然完全使用TAGS来分类还是很累的,但是我还是开始了尝试,原来很难查找的文章现在又奇迹般的被找到,这都全拜TAGS所赐。

my opera上的社会功能还是很丰富的,比如可以象msn spaces一样上传照片,添加自己的个人资料,交到志同道合的好友,而且那300m的空间似乎没有什么使用限制,完全可以把它当作一个移动的u盘来使用。

尤其值得一说的是my opera独特的搬家功能,该功能仅仅支持blogger,不过恰恰我在blogger上有一个自己的空间,所以就实验了一下,以前用过类似的功能,但是没有成功过,这一次成功了,心里很爽,成就感很强,好象自己变成了下笔如有神的大牛,嘿嘿。

另外还有一些小功能,my opera做的也很有特色,比如可以在首页增加一个小小的到记时时钟,给同为my opera的blog文章添加星号,总之这是一个做的比较成熟的社区型的blog。

今天发现msn spaces已经可以正常访问了,天知道微软又在升级什么,其实微软的东西可以用一个字来总结,就是慢,但功能易用,对于好事者来说又足够复杂,所以才这么受欢迎啊:)


Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:30 下午

WTO and I

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good evening,ladies and gentlemen. It’s really a great honor for me to stand here and give you my speech.

When I was in middle school,I have read the word WTO in newspaper. It was said that once China joined the World Trade Organization,every family would have their own cars and the future of China would be bright.

Now with the ink on the agreement signed by WTO ministers on November 10 barely dry,we need to think more about it.

It is a perfect chance for the Chinese economy. For the whole world is an open market to us,the Chinese enterprises can develop their overseas market,as our many products have an advantage of price. But entering the WTO itself brings an impact,for China will also be an open market to the world. The state owned enterprises will not be optimistic and more workers could be laid off. Chinese farmers will be threatened by the imported grains and numbers of them could be forced to leave the countryside to cities,where new jobs will have to be created for them. But anyway,if the government and every citizen can be aware of what we are facing,then make an effort to overcome the difficulties,China will be certainly be more wonderful in the future.

And finally,China’s entry into the WTO means more chances and challenges for everyone. For myself,I am going to graduate from university and go to work in less than two years. That’s an important turn in my life. But before that I’ll have to learn more knowledge and pass some international attested examination .I believe everyone has his own chances and challenges. We are in a hopeful and challenging world,we’d better do our better and be prepared.

WTO is coming. a new chapter of Chinese history is waiting to be written,the choice of what to write is in the hands of ours. Just consider this,my friends.

Thank you.

Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:28 下午

发表在 新闻与政治

Brave heart

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I can’t say enough about the battle scenes, which certainly set the standard for movies to come. Films such as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor and others owe a debt of gratitude to Braveheart for setting the standard in terms of realism and accuracy. Gibson did an amazing job depicting the brutality and violence of medieval war-making. Those were the days when surgical strikes and friendly fire were not a part of the vocabulary.

As for acting, well, you can’t get much better than Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau and Patrick Mcgoohan (just to name a few). Patrick was robbed by the Academy when they failed to nominate him for an Oscar in his portrayal of King Edward I. I have to say that Mel has an incredible talent for film making and casting is no exception. Every actor played their part to perfection.

Finally the music was fabulous. Horner did a wonderful job painting emotion with a soundtrack second to none. It’s no wonder he was chosen to create the soundtrack for another Oscar winning movie called Titanic.

Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:27 下午

发表在 电影

Forest Gump

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“Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you’re gonna get”

–Forrest Gump’s Mum

many years ago, I have read the book Forest Gump. I thought it was very humorous and I didn’t know something other more deep in my mind. Until I watched the movie, I knew it will be sutra.

All the American history is involved in this movie and most of them is related to Gump coincidentally. You can heard so many familiar songs in this movie. Such as San Francisco, California Dreaming and Blowing in the wind.

Maybe you think Gump is foolish, but he is a just frank, honest, kind, and normal guy. He is not good at people skill. Because he does what he thinks is right and doesn’t do what he thinks is wrong.

Gump is lucky, because he has Jenny. Last year I watched the movie with a girl who said I was like Gump. And now she is gone with the wind. I know I am not Gump.

Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:27 下午

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“Winning the ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me, it brought me to you. And I’m thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive… that you won’t give up… no matter what happens… no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.”

After I had watched the movie, I was moved by the love story. Jack is a third class passenger. He had no money at all. But he won the Rose’s love for which he lost his life. He will be live in Rose’s memory forever.

I also can’t forget the horrible sea disaster. When Titanic was sinking, I thought about why they called it unsinkable. Just like James Cameron said “Nature is never going to be dominated. We are a part of it and we have to ride with it, figure it out. But we are not gonna just kind of stream roll right over the top of it. And that’s what they thought they could do. They thought they could pave the world, they thought they could drive their big metal ships across the ocean with impunity and it just isn’t that way.”

“It’s been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.”

“It is unsinkable. God himself couldn’t sink this ship.”

There is many good web site about Titanic movie such as TITANICMOVIE. I copied some articles here and wrote the writers’ name as possible as I can.

Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:26 下午

发表在 电影


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Originally uploaded by brave0371.


Written by emlary

5月 20, 2006 at 1:24 下午

发表在 flickr